Eyelid Aesthetics Turkey

    Eyelid aesthetics Turkey is an aesthetic operation performed to reorganize the eyelids and to create an attractive appearance around the eyes by removing the sagging of the eyelids. We open and close our eyelids hundreds of times a day. Thus, we ensure that our eyes are moistened and protected from external factors. In this process, reasons such as genetic factors and aging can cause the eyelids to sag over time. This may cause the eyelids not to be able to perform their duties ideally and may lead to an aged appearance around the eyes. Eyelid aesthetics is performed in order to rearrange the eyelids that are worn, sagging and bagged due to such reasons, and to give the eyelids a youthful appearance.

    Eyelid aesthetics is also known as blepharoplasty among the people. It is possible to interfere with both the lower eyelids and the upper eyelids during eyelid aesthetics. In the continuation of our article, “How long does eyelid surgery take?”, “How is eyelid surgery done?”, “How are the processes before and after eyelid surgery?” and “How is the recovery process after eyelid surgery?” We will answer frequently asked questions such as: For detailed information about Turkey eyelid aesthetics and similar eye contour aesthetics, you can contact with Prof. Elif Betul Turkoglu Sen.

    What is Eyelid Aesthetics?

    Eyelid aesthetics is an operation performed to eliminate eyelid sagging, reorganize the tissues that make up the eyelids, and give a youthful appearance to the eye area. Over time, sagging and falling eyelids are one of the most common aesthetic problems that occur around the eyes. This problem also narrows the field of view of the individual to a certain extent. Therefore, thanks to eyelid aesthetics, the eyelids are given a more advanced structure both aesthetically and functionally.

    Why is Eyelid Aesthetics Performed?

    Eyelid aesthetics can be done for purposes such as:

    • To eliminate the disorders and sagging of the eyelids caused by genetic factors, physical traumas and aging.
    • To give an aesthetic integrity to the eye area.
    • Removing the aged and tired eye  appearance caused by eyelid drooping.
    • To eliminate functional problems in the eyelids.

    Eyelid aesthetics can be performed by an ophthalmologist for the mentioned purposes. Eyelid aesthetics is planned and performed regarding to patient’s reguests.

    Who Can Have Eyelid Aesthetics?

    Eyelid aesthetics is performed on adults who do not have an active infection in the eyelids or eyelashes. This operation is generally preferred by middle-aged individuals. However, it can also be applied to young patients on demand in order to eliminate the genetic-based eye drooping problem.

    Is Eyelid Aesthetics Permanent?

    Eyelid aesthetics is a permanent operation. During this operation, eyelid tissues are rearranged with special surgical procedures and suture applications. In this way, the tissues do not return to their old structures over time, unlike after procedures such as botox or filling. However, patients are still advised to pay attention to their eyelids after eyelid aesthetics. It is recommended that they reduce harmful habits such as eye rubbing and sleep in a supine position if possible.

    Is Eyelid Aesthetics Risky?

    Eyelid aesthetics is not generally considered a risky or dangerous operation. However, this operation has some risks like any surgical treatment. The risks of eyelid surgery include problems such as bleeding at the surgical site and infection from the surgery. It is possible to avoid such risks to a great extent by performing the operation under ideal operating room conditions by a specialist ophthalmologist.

    How Long Does Eyelid Aesthetics Take?

    The duration of eyelid aesthetics may vary from person to person, depending on which eyelids and to what extent they will be intervened. The duration of eyelid surgery is usually 30 minutes to 60 minutes. If your doctor estimates that the operation will take longer than this interval, he will inform you in detail about the subject.

    How is Eyelid Aesthetics Performed?

    Eyelid aesthetics is usually performed under local anesthesia. In some cases, it is possible to perform the surgery under general anesthesia, depending on the patient’s demands and health status. Both anesthesia techniques completely prevent the patient from feeling pain during eyelid aesthetics. During the surgery, the doctor removes the excess tissue from the eyelids with the help of surgical incisions. It rearranges the remaining tissues around the eyes to create a lively, youthful and attractive appearance. Thus, eyelid aesthetics is completed.

    What is the Healing Process After Eyelid Aesthetics?

    People who have eyelid aesthetics are usually discharged on the same day. After the operation, the patient uses a special eye patch for a while. In this process, it is important to regularly use the drugs prescribed by the doctor. Patients can gradually return to their daily lives within a period of 3 to 7 days, with the advice of their doctors. Your doctor will inform you in detail about the processes before and after eyelid aesthetics.

    Turkey Eyelid Aesthetic Prices 2024

    For detailed information about Antalya eyelid aesthetic prices and similar issues, you can contact with Prof Elif Betul Turkoglu Sen.