Intraocular Tumors Turkey

    Intraocular tumors are harmful masses that occur in the tissues within the eye, around the eyes or on the eyelids, which can be benign or malignant. There are many different types of tissue around the eyes. These tissues try to repair the damage they have suffered over time with the regeneration and division ability of the cells from which they occur. Sometimes, some of the cells in the area may get out of control and begin to divide without any control mechanism. Most of the time, this abnormal condition is recognized early by the individual’s immune system and the abnormal cells are eliminated. However, sometimes it is not possible for the immune system to recognize these cells. This causes the abnormal cells to divide rapidly and group into masses called tumors.

    Intraocular tumors also occur in this way. Intraocular tumors can cause various complaints depending on their region, size and types, and in some cases they can threaten the life of the individual. Therefore, intraocular tumors are extremely dangerous structures. In the continuation of our article, questions such as “How to treat intraocular tumor?”, “What are the symptoms of tumors in the eye?”, “How to understand that there is a tumor in the eye?” and “How is intraocular tumor surgery performed?” We will answer the questions asked. For detailed information about the treatment of intraocular tumors in Turkey and similar issues, you can contact with Elif Betul Turkoglu Sen.

    What are Intraocular Tumors?

    Intraocular tumors are abnormal structures that occur in the eye tissues, which can be quite dangerous depending on their types and locations. There are many types of intraocular tumors. They can occur on the eyelids, the tissues that make up the orbital socket, and around the eyes. Some are only seen in children, while others are mostly seen in adults. It is thought that genetic factors, environmental factors and some eye diseases play an active role in the emergence of intraocular tumors. Intraocular tumors can be eliminated with different treatment applications according to their types and localities. In the treatment of malignant intraocular tumors, early diagnosis is very important and saves lives, as in all cancer diseases.

    What Causes Intraocular Tumors?

    There are many different factors that can cause the emergence of intraocular tumors. Some of these are genetically based and some are environmental or developmental based. Some genetic material passed on to the individual by his or her family may make the individual more prone to the development of intraocular tumors. Factors such as infections in the eye tissues, problems with the structure of the eye tissues, chemical exposure and exposure to radioactive substances can also lead to the formation of intraocular tumors.

    What are Intraocular Tumor Symptoms?

    Intraocular tumors usually do not show symptoms in their early stages. Although some of them show symptoms in the early stages, these symptoms can be thought of as the effect of different diseases or daily problems such as fatigue. Therefore, tumors located behind the eyes are usually detected late. Symptoms of intraocular tumors include seeing flashes of light, flying flies in the eye, blurred vision, and sudden vision loss. Some tumors can cause the eyeball to point outward from the eyeball and form a bulge.

    What are the Types of Intraocular Tumors?

    Types of intraocular tumors include:

    • Retinoblastoma.
    • Choroidal melanomas.
    • Lymphoid tumors.
    • Hemangiomas.
    • Nevuses.
    • Freckles.
    • Squamous cell cancers.
    • Orbital tumors.
    • Basal cell carcinomas.

    These are the most common tumors in the eye. Apart from these, there are some extremely rare eye tumors. Eye tumors are diagnosed with special diagnostic applications when they go to an ophthalmologist because of the complaints they cause.

    Are Intraocular Tumors Dangerous?

    Intraocular tumors are among the most dangerous diseases of the eye. Generally, malignant tumors are considered much more dangerous. This is because cancerous tumors grow much more aggressively and spread to surrounding organs, making treatment more difficult. However, benign eye tumors are also extremely dangerous structures. They can cause edema in the area where they are located, and cause serious problems with vision by pressing on nerve networks and vessels. Therefore, both benign eye tumors and malignant eye tumors should be treated early.

    How Long Does Intraocular Tumor Treatment Take?

    The duration of intraocular tumor treatment may vary depending on the method of treatment and the type of tumor.

    How Is Intraocular Tumor Treatment Done?

    Among the methods used during the treatment of intraocular tumors are minimally invasive applications such as laser therapy and cryotherapy. Thanks to these applications, some small tumors can be destroyed without the need for surgery.