Orbital Tumor Treatment Turkey
Orbital tumor treatment Turkey is a treatment application to treat the harmful masses that occur in the orbital tissues and to end the complaints that the individual experiences due to these masses. Tissues have some biological mechanisms to renew and heal themselves. By cell division, aging and damaged cells are constantly replaced by new cells. Thus, the tissues can perform their duties in a healthy way. However, sometimes cells can begin to divide uncontrollably. Cells that divide uncontrollably are often detected and destroyed by the immune system. Some, however, manage to evade the immune system and multiply rapidly.
Cells that divide and multiply rapidly cluster in certain regions and form tumors. Orbital tumor is a tumor that occurs in the orbit of the eye. They can be benign or malignant, that is, cancerous. Orbital tumor treatment is performed to diagnose, examine and, if necessary, eliminate these tumors. For this purpose, personalized treatments can be performed. In the continuation of our article, questions such as “How is orbital tumor treatment done?”, “How is eye cancer treatment?”, “How long does eye cancer surgery take?” and “Does orbital tumor go away on its own?” we will reply. For detailed information about Turkey orbital tumor surgery and similar issues, you can contact with Prof. Elif Betül Türkoğlu Şen.
What is an Orbital Tumor?
Orbital tumor is a mass that occurs in the region known as the eye socket, which can be benign or malignant. These masses may not give any symptoms in the early stages. Then, they may cause various complaints depending on their species, size and precise location. Malignant orbital tumors are one of the most common types of eye cancer. Even if orbital tumors have a benign structure, they can cause many complaints due to the density of blood vessels and nerve tissue in their area. Therefore, they require early intervention and treatment. Orbital tumor treatment can be done with various methods planned for the individual.
What Causes Orbital Tumor?
Orbital tumors can occur for many different reasons. These reasons include genetic factors, exposure to radioactive materials, various diseases and environmental factors. They can also be caused by some congenital masses and problems with the structure of the eye muscles. The exact cause, type and progression of orbital tumors can be determined by research and diagnostic practices by an ophthalmologist.
What Are Orbital Tumor Symptoms?
- Orbital tumor symptoms include:
- Forward, outward protrusion of the eye.
- Restriction of eye movements.
- Double vision.
- Edema formation around the optic nerve.
- Vision loss or visual field problems as a result of edema around the optic nerve.
Orbital tumors symptoms can be listed as follows.
Is Orbital Tumor Dangerous?
Orbital tumor is a mass that can be dangerous. The degree of danger of this mass may vary depending on whether the tumor is benign or malignant. Both types are harmful to the eyesight and eye health of the individual. However, malignant masses are considered much more dangerous as they have the risk of spreading to surrounding tissues and distant organs.
How Is Orbital Tumor Diagnosed?
The most common externally noticed symptom of orbital tumor is a protruding position of the eye. The severity of this symptom can vary from person to person. In addition, this symptom may occur due to different eye diseases and eye traumas. Therefore, it is not possible for patients to self-diagnose and is not recommended. Orbital tumor diagnosis is made by diagnostic applications made by an ophthalmologist. Thus, the development of the tumor can also be examined and an individual treatment plan can be made.
How Long Does Orbital Tumor Treatment Take?
Orbital tumor treatment is completed in about half an hour if it is to be performed surgically. In some cases, this treatment may be accompanied by applications such as chemotherapy. In this case, the treatment can continue for different periods of time. Your doctor will inform you about the details and duration of your treatment.
How Is Orbital Tumor Treated?
Orbital tumor can be treated with different methods depending on its structure and progression. Orbital tumors diagnosed in the early stages are taken directly from the area by surgical applications. In cases where the diagnosis is made late, applications such as chemotherapy can be performed in addition to surgical treatment. If the tumor is benign, there may be no need for chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
How Does Orbital Tumor Surgery Happen?
Orbital tumor treatment is performed under general or local anesthesia. In both cases, the patient may experience pain or discomfort during orbital tumor surgery.