Trifocal Smart Lenses Turkey

    Trifocal Smart Lenses Turkey are advanced intraocular lenses used in the treatment of diseases such as cataracts and various refractive errors. By their transparent structure, the natural lenses in the eyes pass the light beams coming from outside and direct them to the relevant parts of the eye while passing them. Thus, after the light passes through various processes, it is transmitted to the brain and vision occurs. If there is a disease related to the transparency of the lens (cataract), the light beams coming from the outside cannot be transmitted to the retina properly. Therefore, the vision quality of the individual decreases.

    However, refractive errors such as astigmatism, hyperopia and myopia caused by some problems in the lens and axis of the eye also cause the individual to see various distances as blurred. Trifocal Smart lenses are widely used both to replace the lens that has become dull during cataract treatment and to eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses during refractive errors. Trifocal Smart lenses are more advantageous than other intraocular lenses in many ways. In the continuation of our article, we will answer questions such as “How is Trifocal smart lens treatment done?”, “What are Trifocal smart lenses?”, “How long does Trifocal smart lens Turkey treatment take?” and “What are the advantages of Trifocal smart lenses?” For detailed information about Turkey Trifocal smart lens treatment and similar issues, you can contact with Prof. Elif Betul Turkoglu Sen.

    What is Trifocal Smart Lens?

    Trifocal Smart lens, also known as trifocal lens or trifocal lens, is an advanced artificial tissue that allows an individual to see all distances clearly. Trifocal Smart lenses have a highly developed focusing mechanism, helping the individual to see clearly both near and far. Therefore, they are much more advantageous than monofocal lenses.

    Why Use Trifocal Smart Lens?

    Trifocal Smart lenses are preferred to eliminate refractive errors permanently, that is, to put an end to the need for glasses and contact lenses that the individual has due to refractive errors. However, they are also commonly used to replace natural lenses if there is a problem with an individual’s natural eyepiece that impairs or reduces vision. Thus, individuals gain a healthy and quality vision. Artificial tissues, known as Trifocal smart lenses or smart lenses, significantly improve the quality of life of individuals with these problems.

    In Which Situations Is Trifocal Smart Lens Used?

    Trifocal Smart lenses are commonly used in situations such as:

    • To replace the natural lens of the eye that lost its transparency during cataract disease and to take on the duties of the natural lens.
    • In the treatment of various corneal diseases, both to ensure that the lens performs its task and to prevent these diseases from progressing and damaging other tissues of the eye.
    • To eliminate refractive errors such as myopia and astigmatism, to enable the individual to see far and near clearly without the need for glasses.
    • To protect the function of the eye in conditions such as macular degeneration, strabismus, diabetes, some retinal diseases and diabetes.

    Trifocal Smart lenses can be used in such cases.

    What are the Advantages of Smart Lenses?

    The advantages of Trifocal smart lenses include:

    • To enable the individual to see both far and near clearly with a single operation.
    • To ensure that cataract patients have a healthy and functional eye lens, thereby improving the individual’s vision.
    • Eliminating the need for glasses for individuals with astigmatism or myopia. Thus, to ensure that individuals can see both near and far without the need for any auxiliary tool.
    • Eliminating the need for contact lenses.

    The advantages of trifocal lenses can be listed as follows.

    How Long Does Trifocal Smart Lens Surgery Take?

    Trifocal Smart lens surgery is usually performed in two sessions and each session takes about 10 to 15 minutes. Depending on the details of the operation, the duration of the Trifocal smart lens surgery may be slightly longer.

    How is Trifocal Smart Lens Surgery Performed?

    Trifocal Smart lens surgery is performed painlessly with a special anesthesia procedure. Trifocal Smart lens surgery is an operation similar to cataract surgery in many ways. In the first stage of this operation, the natural lens in the eye is destroyed by special processes and is evacuated from the eye by suction with a vacuum device. Then, a specially prepared smart lens is placed on the target eye and the operation is completed.

    Can I Have Myopia After Trifocal Smart Lens Surgery?

    Problems such as myopia or blurred vision are quite common after smart lens surgery. However, it should be kept in mind that these complaints are temporary and will disappear spontaneously in a few days.

    Turkey Trifocal Smart Lens Prices 2024

    For detailed information about Turkey smart lens prices and smart lens fees, you can contact with Prof. Dr. Elif Betul Turkoglu Sen.