
I was in for a shock when I was diagnosed with eye cancer. Dr. I started the treatment process with the guidance of Elif Betül Türkoğlu. Thanks to my doctor’s devoted efforts and expertise, I was able to fight cancer and regain my health. During this time, I even thought of settling in Antalya. I would like to thank my doctor who really inspired me.

Sib*** G***

I applied to many doctors for eyelid aesthetics, but I realized that they could not give me exactly what I wanted. Thanks to Ms. Elif Betül, I was convinced how easy it was and my operation went smoothly. Now I can say that I look at the world in a better way, I am very happy.

Kev*** V***

Dr. Elif Betül is a really great ophthalmologist. I saw that he achieved excellent results in my eyelid aesthetic operations with his expertise and meticulous work. I am grateful to him and would recommend him wholeheartedly to everyone.

Fat*** U***

Thanks to the smart lens operation, I got rid of the use of glasses. Dr. At the suggestion of Elif Betül Türkoğlu Şen, I chose this innovative treatment and now I enjoy having a clear view.

Sel*** A***

I had a tear duct occlusion operation and got rid of this discomfort. The operation was painless and uneventful. I recovered in a very short time like 1 week and the watering in my eyes was gone. Thank you a thousand times for everything Elif.

Fat*** K***

I came to Ms. Elif Betül’s clinic from Germany for cataract surgery. Thanks to his professional approach and successful operation, the blur in my eyes was completely removed and I had a clear vision. Indeed, everything he said was true, he is a very caring and experienced doctor.

Giz*** S***

All the assistants in the clinic are very interested, as is my teacher Betül. After our first appointment, I knew that I was going to have an operation to treat choroidal melanoma, and frankly, I was a little afraid. But I can say that my teacher Betül managed to comfort me with her interest and experience throughout this period. My results are pleasing, I am very satisfied.

Ben*** K***

I had heard about Elif Betül from many of my friends before, but I could not gather the courage for eyelid aesthetics. I can say that even my eyes gained meaning after I had eyelid surgery. It was an aesthetically satisfying and problem-free operation. It was a great luck that my recovery process did not take long. Thank you.

Sud*** K***

I came to our teacher for upper eyelid aesthetics. I can say that he is a very caring and experienced physician. Likewise, I would like to thank all of the employees in the institution, and I am very pleased with the results of my operation.

Sud*** K***

My teacher Elif is very successful and a rare physician who loves her job. She performed my mother’s eyelid surgery, we had very good results. The healing process was short. Then we would like to thank our teacher who informed me about the under-eye bags in every detail and followed meticulously. Have a nice rest.


After a failed lower eyelid aesthetic surgery, I found my teacher Elif. After the surgery, my under-eye bags and wrinkles are gone. Thank you very much here as well.


After doing research for my eyelid surgery, I am very happy that I decided on Op.Dr.Elif Betül Türkoğlu. I would recommend it to everyone with peace of mind, a happy ending treatment, thank you very much for everything.


I went to my teacher Elif for examination. Cataract operation on both eyes and permanent lens placement at the same time practically widened the visual field by lifting the eyebrows and eyelids. Elif Hodja is a very honorable and precious lady who has surpassed herself beyond being a very good physician. With gratitude and respect…


Elif is a very successful eye surgeon. He fixed the problem in my eye with a half-hour operation. I recommend him wholeheartedly. Respects….


I went to Ms. Elif to have my glasses number checked. I was very impressed with his smiling face and meticulousness to his work. From now on, he will be our family’s ophthalmologist. I thank him very much.


With the complaint of not seeing clearly, Dr. I went to Ms. Elif and she diagnosed me as having cataract in my left eye. Thanks to your doctor, I had a successful operation. Well done sir, I have no problem at the moment. My prayers are with you sir.


I was devastated when the doctors said he had a tumor in his eye. After doing some research on the internet, I reached Ms. Elif and regained my health after a successful surgery. Endless thanks for his positive approach and smiling face throughout the process from the first examination to the surgery.


I had a pterygium surgery to Elif exactly 2 years ago, it motivated me very well before the surgery. The eye control doctors I went to afterward, even though they did not know that the teacher who operated on the eye did his job very well, they spoke highly of him. Good luck to you once again, sir.


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